Latest Insights from the Pipeline

Why should I listen to you

WHY Should I Listen To You? (Even Sales Pros Mess Up This)

This past week, I’ve been evaluating some options for a client to pair the outside sales team we’re building with an inside sales team to...
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Desperation Calling!

Are you Wearing Your Desperation?

Last week, I had two instances where sales reps contacted me to try to sell me a product. In both cases, each rep was certain...
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4th quarter sales push

What’s Your 4th Quarter Sales Push?

The Holidays are about to roll in and roll over us in all their festive and glittery glory. It seems once we pass Turkey day,...
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The Selling Agency: "Training vs Skills Building" - Our Manifesto!

Hold up – Before you invest in Sales Training that your team will hate – take a minute to think about providing a better opportunity to build skills, change behaviors, improve revenue and results. Not all “Training” is equal, or good, or effective, or original, or . . . you get the idea. Take a minute to listen and watch why we call our sessions “Skills Builders”!

What Our Clients and Audiences Say . . .

  • After working with Shawn, our team had immediately applicable and useable processes to widen our prospect base and increase our funding pipeline. Even more effective was her approach to confidence building by working with real life examples and scenarios to coach our Development Department through a challenging transition time. I highly recommend partnering with Shawn and her team to implement sales strategies, train new employees, evaluate current sales staff performance and build an overall successful sales or fundraising department.

    Casey Kaufman Tansey
    Director of Development, Make A Wish Midsouth
  • Shawn Sandy has a true gift of coaching and connecting with the audience. I first experienced Shawn’s power of connecting during her presentation at a women’s conference, the message she was delivering was on target and has forever motivated me to function on a higher level as a woman of influence. I was so moved by her ability to connect with the audience that I raved about her for weeks to the head of my department, knowing that Shawn was the person who could provide the coaching that our management team so desperately wanted and needed I was relentless in requesting that we bring her in to the next quarterly manager’s meeting. A few months later Shawn was in front of my team challenging them to be better managers and leaders. The group was so impressed by the session that we brought her back a second time!

    Lisa Thorn
    Executive Assistant to the Director of Global Operations, Canrig Drilling Technology Ltd.
  • After one hour of strategy to secure sponsors and donors for this new music ensemble, listening to [Shawn’s] voice and her tone as a business woman, she gave me the tools and the confidence to go for it! I hit our goal and raised $10,000 in just 4 weeks!

    Anne Decker
    Composer, Conductor and Executive Director, TURNMusic
  • The Selling Agency has greatly aided in increasing our number of customers.  Selena is the most motivated, outgoing, and creative person I have ever had the pleasure of working with.  The number of brilliant ideas she comes to us with is nothing short of astounding.  Our presence on the internet, especially social media, is exponentially greater than it was before she took over.  We can rest easy knowing she will always be going above and beyond to promote our business, always with a smile on her face.  We are eternally grateful to Selena and The Selling Agency and truly can’t praise them enough.

    Liz Grasso
    COO, A-Team Roofing

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