4 Stories about your Business you Must Share

When was the last time you heard a great story? Did you throw your head back and laugh? Wipe a little tear from your eye? Remember when you had that similar experience?

Stories are the heart of how we communicate. Movies, TV Shows, Books, Songs – we love to relate to each other through shared experiences. 

Here are 4 stories you need to nail down for your business

{Next week, we’ll share HOW to build your stories}. These can be shared stories told through different voices or shared values related by personal experiences. Build YOUR stories so your employees and customers can champion your business values with their own voices.

1. The story of your Company.

The short version and the more elaborate version, this relates What PROBLEMS you solve, The RESULTS you deliver and for WHOM you do this and lastly, HOW you do it differently. {We call it your Talk Tracks – your Selling Messages. The foundation for every selling and promotional effort you put out}.

2. A Personal story.

People want to hear what fuel ignited your fire to start/buy/grow/change your business. This story is about connecting your audience to the revelation or the “A HA!” moment that brought you to this day. I struggled with naming and defining The Selling Agency until I had that “A-HA!” moment while listening to a client describe where they were struggling. They danced around every thing BUT selling as their problem. “I haven’t figured out the right Marketing formula, where to advertise, or what’s going to get people’s attention to find our business.” It became clear to me that my target audience was 2nd stage businesses that had a “Selling” problem. They needed a “Selling Agency” to build their revenue engines that drive business.

3. The Hero story.

When you relate the story of your company, people understand what you “do” but up to a point. When you wrap “Context” around it, your audience can then put themselves in those shoes and really connect to how you can drive results for them. For your business, 

4. The vision.

Often one that businesses never share with their customers or audience is their “Vision”. Your company is here but where are you going? How are you growing? Who are you going to help? Employ? What communities are you thinking of expanding in to?

What stories are you sharing in your business? Are your customers, vendors, sales people, receptionists or fans able to share and articulate those important points too?

Next week, we’ll give you 5 ways to Structure your stories and get them ready to share.

Until next time, keep kickin’ butt!


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Straightforward, practical and perhaps slightly cheeky, Shawn Karol Sandy's innate gift is helping people find new ways to solve old problems, unique ways to approach new problems and helping businesses re-invent themselves and their sales strategies. With Bold and Brave thought leadership and Clear Action Plans, her impact on business is Measurable and Meaningful and will lead your sales revolution to growth and revenue goals.

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