Blog: The Pipeline

sales sherpa

Be The Small Business Sales “Sherpa” – their knowledgeable, experienced guide – leading them to success.

Selling to the small or mid sized business owner? That’s about as easy as pinning Jell-O to a wall, right? Business owners have 4,329 priorities...
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what matters to buyers

What Matters to Buyers? Be an Expert in Customer Currency

In the last post, we talked about how to make your sales presentations better – improving the focus of the content and delivery. This week,...
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are your presentations a bomb?

Don’t blow your sales presentation: 5.1 Things That Make You Better

Did you ever have one of those terrible professors or teachers in school—the ones that droned on and on about chemistry or Shakespeare or whatever?...
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Are you meeting customers in your underwear?

Seems like a weird question I’d ask in a “professional” setting, right? I mean, unless you’re a 3 year old or a perhaps an inebriated...
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What Do Customers Want To Know About You? {Build Your Brand Content Strategy to Give Them Awesome Answers}

What do you and your business stand for? Why should I get to know you? Why would I accept your meeting invitation or connection request?...
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12 Keys to Build An Awesome Social Media Strategy To Grow Your Business.

Are you struggling with how Social Media can work for your business? It’s hard to exactly measure the Return on Investment of Social Media but...
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