
What's on your sales summer reading list?
I love stacking up my summer reading list. Whether it’s an audiobook I listen to while driving or a good old paperback page-turner that gets covered with sea salt and sand, I’m planning my list as Memorial Day and Summer is right around the corner. What’s on this year’s list? A mix of business, skill...
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What does EXCELLENT Business Development Look Like
What does “Excellent” really look like in today’s Business Development efforts? When talking business development with new sales reps or sellers ramping up their efforts with new Biz Dev commitment, they are often stunned when I share with them the number of touches it might take to reach and compel a prospect to take a...
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Book Report The Selling Agency Summer Reading List
Back to School. Depending on your age and child rearing status, these three words may be cheers to your ears or bring tears to your eyes. Me, I’m slightly more of the “tears” camp as I feel the dread of all the homework, projects, and general busy-ness of the school year creep up on me...
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How do stories help you sell more-customers
As sellers, aren’t we always looking for an easier way to talk to buyers? We’re looking for easier conversations. Looking for ways to relate and be relevant to our customers. We’re trying to find ways to make people WANT to listen to us amongst the crowded field of our competition and the thousands of messages...
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Networking burning cash for sellers and business owners
Many sales people and business owners tell me “networking” is how they fill their pipeline with leads and opportunities. And rarely, do I ever believe them. I do believe networking can lead to opportunities, but more often than not, “networking” simply fills up their calendar and gives them the feeling that they’re accomplishing something. They...
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Girl Scout Cookies-Sales Lessons-Cookie Season
What’s the easiest thing you’ve ever sold? What product was a home run for you? For me, the easiest thing I’ve ever sold is Girl Scout Cookies. And by “me”, I mean, my daughter, and her troop. I’m just the driver and logistics support for the outfit. Maybe this isn’t exactly a subjective comparison to...
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Sales goes to the movies-inspiring-motivating-sales-movies
It’s awards season! The time of year when actors, singers, and celebrities get squeezed into their shiny dresses, dipped in glitter, and walk those red carpets. We celebrate the TV shows, films, and music that move us to tears, make us laugh, or put us on the edge of our seats. We thought it was...
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st-lucia-market-courtesy-of-st-lucia-online - sales - fundamentals
If you take a trip to pretty much anywhere there are always those areas that are tourist traps full of t-shirts,  magnets, key chains, and “I was here” merchandise with the name of your destination labeled on everything. Recently, I vacationed to the gorgeous island of St. Lucia and traveled to its capital city, Castries,...
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5 reasons your emails bomb with customers, Email, Sales, Selling, Audience Development, Value
This week’s blog has been hijacked by our Director of Ground Floor Strategies, Selena Silvestro. As we approach the end of the year, she grabbed the chance to speak to business owners and sales pros about what NOT to do when emailing customers and prospective buyers: “If you’re waiting to contact your customers, clients, or...
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Buyer, Manipulation, Trust, Prospecting, Differentiation, Buyer Journey, Closing, Leadership, Selling Skills vs Sales Techniques: What you should really invest in to improve results
*Note: This may ruffle your feathers. Good. If you disagree with me, let me know why. When I’m speaking at an event with sales pros, many times veteran sellers will approach me and size me up with these questions, “What techniques do you teach?”, or “What are the hottest new sales techniques?” I cringe inside...
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