Business Development Reboot – Fast Track Intensive for Sellers

Many Sellers have not been actively prospecting or developing business and are struggling to do it now.

It can be difficult and you might feel like you’re starting from Ground Zero or Day One on the job again. Don’t be intimidated. Let’s make your plan and get started.

4 Weeks, 1:1 Twice Weekly Strategic Intensive Sessions – 

  • Pipeline Pivot
  • Set Your Go-To-Market Strategy
    • Lead Gen Building
    • Prospect List
  • Execute Your Plan
    • Messaging and Follow Up Templates
    • Level Up Meeting & Call Skills
  • Progress Review & Accountability Coaching

Your Investment: $1,200

If you’re struggling to quickly jump back into Business Development, let’s talk – click below to discuss timing, investment, and your results. 

[gdlr_button href=”” target=”_self” size=”medium” background=”#2B3252″ color=”#ffffff”]Lets Talk About Biz Dev Fast Track![/gdlr_button]


[gdlr_button href=”” target=”_self” size=”medium” background=”#ff4138″ color=”#ffffff”]Invest NOW – Let’s GO![/gdlr_button]