Are You Missing The Mark On Consistent Sales Leadership & Development?

You’re great at what you do. You have talent. Drive. Big ideas.
That’s why you started the business or decided to MAKE IT HAPPEN.


But where along the way did you ever imagine you’d have to become a Sales Director?

Are You Missing The Mark On Consistent Sales Leadership & Development?

Frankly as the business owner, you’ve got 829 tasks, decisions and challenges you’re juggling every day. Your sales deserve more focus than you have to give. And, quite frankly, if you’ve never been a sales leader or sales director, you probably shouldn’t be the one leading those efforts.

You may have tried outsourcing selling with less than stellar results. You’ve probably hired many sales people hoping they would work out. If your results are lukewarm or worse, these hiring mistakes are costing you time and money, perhaps it’s time to take a look at your sales program from a different perspective.

That’s where we come in. The Selling Agency offers an alternative to hiring a high end 5 figure or 6 figure Sales Director to drive your organizational sales and revenue efforts. Our “Fractional Sales Director” partnership provides you with consistent sales leadership, coaching and training for your team and entire organization to create scalable growth and increase your revenue.

We start by assessing your existing talent, resources, sales strategies and tools. Then we build your Sales Playbook combining selling strategies that are responsive and reflective of how buyers consume information and form decision making criteria and sales process, a detailed methodology that reinforces brand position, creates consistency in customer experience, leverages information to shorten sales cycles and gives visibility for forecasting.

Our Fractional Sales Director program is created and customized just for your business with the insights reflecting the most current buyer behaviors and leveraging the innovation of new sales tools and technology. Increase your pipeline. Grow your leads. Earn higher conversion rates with more productive, more satisfied sales team members.

This partnership is ideal for businesses with 0 – 20 sales reps and experiencing slow growth, stagnant revenue and/or shrinking margins. We give competitive advantages to businesses in highly commoditized, highly competitive and/or mature industries.

This Fractional Sales Director engagement will be unique to you and can include – 

  • Existing sales team member assessments
  • Metrics and measurement establishment
  • Recruiting, hiring and training new team members
  • Performance to goals coaching
  • Sales calls coaching and
  • Weekly, consistent sales leadership for accountability and pipeline growth

Are you ready to hand over your Sales Director hat so we can focus on driving your results?

Let’s talk about becoming your Fractional Sales Director. Your Sales Leadership – Consistently Driving Revenue & Growth. Challenging Your Sales Team. So you can focus on the long term growth and plans for World Domination. Okay, or maybe just take that vacation you’ve been thinking about for the past 10 years. Either way. Click the button below to talk.

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