Are You Surviving or Thriving? Stop “Winging It” and Build Your Sales Playbook

Most people start or build businesses because of a specific drive or talent but the one unspoken motivation that everyone agrees upon is that they’re here to create a successful business that not just survives but thrives.

What happens often is that once business has achieved the first or second level of success, we get stuck Doing the Business, In the Business and maintaining is our focus – surviving instead of stretching, growing and thriving.

It’s very painful. We call them “Growing Pains” because it hurts – to stretch beyond our current capacity, reach farther than we have before. Growing pains are usually where businesses either find their resting point and slowly descend into irrelevance or collapse or, they put in the extra 20 hours a week, hustle, test and try new things, hire new people, add resources and invest in their business and find a way to thrive and get to the next level.

Building your Sales Playbook combines selling strategies that are responsive and reflective of how buyers consume information and form decision making criteria and sales process, a detailed methodology that reinforces brand position, creates consistency in customer experience, leverages information to shorten sales cycles and gives visibility for forecasting.

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