
Hoping for customers-Selling-Competitive-Advantage-Differentiation
There’s a certain comfort zone and preference most people have with the term “Marketing” versus “Selling”. Try telling someone “You’re going to start selling” and imagine what that reaction is versus telling a business owner or employee “You’re going to start marketing the business now.” Which one makes you a little sweaty or anxious? Selling...
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Small Business Solutions: Steak or Potatoes Strategy
  We work with a lot of small and not-so-small businesses – from many different industries and markets – data management, accounting, freight and logistics, restaurants, technology, drilling {oil}, commercial construction . . . a pretty diverse group. But they all have one thing in common: most of these great businesses have tried, started or...
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4 Keys To Earning Customers: Better Blogging, Emails & Social Media
**CAUTION: Painful #TruthBomb below** Have you started a blog for your business or sales efforts? How’s it going? Was your last post March 2014? How about that email newsletter to stay top of mind with clients? Or how’s your social media strategy working for you—are you connecting and engaging your top prospects? Ouch. We can...
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