
Seller, C-Level, Meetings, Opportunities, Top Line Sales, Lisa Magnuson
In the first of the Sales Fails series, our sales pro gave the advice to “Stop Hiding Behind Email” in order to build relationships, earn trust and close deals faster. This week’s expert advice comes from the founder of Top Lines Sales, Lisa Magnuson, Top Line Deal Coach. Lisa’s advice is a great recommendation for...
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Great advice often spans more than one situation, one purpose or use and is best when passed along.
There is no shortage of advice on business – building it, running it, growing it {ah, ahem hence, our blog}. Much of the wisdom we hear doesn’t resonate with us right away – perhaps not until we’re in circumstances that give it context. But most everyone has those one or two pieces of life changing...
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If you’re an innovator, builder, game changer, entrepreneur, promotion seeker or department of ONE, it can be lonely trying to forge new paths. No one can share your burdens directly – even with empathy and support in your work, it can be a hard and isolating journey filled with doubt, sacrifice and wrong turns before...
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