
Buying Process
The Modern Sellers Creed: Helping vs Selling
There is a great commercial out now that reminds about what the true meaning of “Selling” should be. It’s a Capital One pitch for their new “Capital One Cafes” – where they point out that all banks look and feel the same. Their novel idea is to provide a relaxed, easy environment, “A welcoming environment...
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How do you dramatically increase your WIN rates
This blog is a CHALLENGE to you. If you’re reading it on a Monday, make something BIG happen by Friday . . . I did a double take when I read this statistic on Jill Konrath’s blog, citing a piece of research from LinkedIn “Win rates multiply up to 4 times when you are connected...
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One of the hardest employee positions to fill right now is that of Sales Professional. My LinkedIn inbox and email are hit 4 or 5 times a week with business owners and recruiters asking for referrals of qualified and experienced Sales Professionals. I also see on LinkedIn many sales people boomerang in sales positions. Through...
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The Pipeline

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