
cold call
Are you blending into the sales herd?
Dear Salesperson, It’s time for a heart-to-heart. I do appreciate your questions. I do. But I find myself giving the same answer over and over and over: “How do I get buyers to listen to me? I can’t seem to get their attention, a callback or response.” Many of you assume there is some sort...
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Don't BLOW Your Sales Events No more boring sales training
As we are wishing for the cool weather of Pumpkin Spice Season (formerly called “fall” and “fourth quarter”), many of you are pushing hard to close out the year’s sales and have one eye on planning for next year too. For Sales Directors and Business Owners, this is that time when you start thinking of...
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The No 1 Best Seller-Lee Bartlett-Cold Call-The Sellout Show-Dianna Geairn-Shawn Karol Sandy-The Selling Agency
If you didn’t catch on when I shared our Red Carpet Review of the best sales movies, let me catch you up: I’m doing a weekly video show with The Irreverent Sales Girl, Dianna Geairn. It’s “The SellOut Show” – because if we were a live show with an audience, we’d surely always be sold out. So.Many.Metaphors.Here....
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