
Flip the Script on Negotiation
How do you feel about negotiation? For most of us, if we had to describe “negotiation” we imagine the back and forth pull and tension we’ve felt when buying a car or a house. And most sellers don’t love negotiation either … the fine line between giving away your margin or having to walk away...
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Are you confusing PRICE and COST?
A common sales problem came to light for me a week or so ago when a vendor reached out to me to suggest as the year-end was near, they might be able to consider lowering their price to close another deal before ending their year. Now, I am truly in the “consideration” or “evaluation” phase...
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Common Sales Fail - Stop - preparing - proposals - prevents - buyers - brushoff
Last week we kicked off a series highlighting costly Sales Fails from leading edge sales trainers and consultants around the country. With so much experience coaching, training and in the fields, my mastermind group of Women Sales Pros had plenty of examples to contribute. In the last post, we highlighted the #SalesFail many reps are...
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