
Customer appreciation
3 Points of Gratitude
Have I told you how grateful I am for you? How thankful I am that you allow me in your inbox, in your social feeds, and give me feedback about how I can help you or move your business forward? I am. I am very grateful. And, in fact, some of the very best salespeople...
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Guide to Client Gift Giving What NOT to give and 6 Great Ideas they'll loveGuide to Client Gift Giving What NOT to give and 6 Great Ideas they'll love
If you’re in my salespeople posse, around this time of year, we start talking about getting through the Holiday season as productively and profitably as possible. Inevitably, the talk comes up about To Gift, or Not to Gift customers at this time of year. I have strong opinions about this and it goes like this...
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I received an email the other day from a company letting me know my order had shipped. The message came from “customerlove@blahblahblah.com.” Not “info,” not “orders,” but “customer love.” That made me feel special. For two reasons: It always makes me happy to know when my package was shipped and when I can expect it....
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