
Emotional Intelligence
will you be replaced by a sales robot
Everywhere you look, artificial intelligence, automation, and technology are replacing interactions we once used to have with other human beings. Some of this we cheer – such as self-guided drivers’ license kiosks, bots or algorithms that predict which wine, books, or music we would like, or cars that guide you back to driving in your...
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Book Report The Selling Agency Summer Reading List
Back to School. Depending on your age and child rearing status, these three words may be cheers to your ears or bring tears to your eyes. Me, I’m slightly more of the “tears” camp as I feel the dread of all the homework, projects, and general busy-ness of the school year creep up on me...
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Mastering communication, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Response, Evoke, Persuasive, Opportunities, Selling, Business, Leadership
As the topic of probably 1/3 of all conversations and certainly 1/3 of all social media posts, this election is truly remarkable and will certainly be dissected 7,432 ways in the history books. What I think is remarkable from a sales vantage is how these Presidential Candidates are masterful in their communication and the response...
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Sell to Real People
If you’re looking for great competitive advantage in your selling efforts, this practice will help you convert more prospects to customers and attract your ideal buyers: Sell to REAL PEOPLE, not ROBOTS. Seems kind of obvious, right? But in our zeal to mechanize the sale process so we can pave the road to riches ....
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The Pipeline

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