
What do salespeople do when customers disappear?
Has this ever happened to you? A hot prospect shows tremendous interest. You have a great first conversation. Your initial meeting was promising. You agree to talk next steps. You send them an email to follow up . . . and get crickets. You leave them a voicemail . . . and hear nothing. You...
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Questions are the MVP of SELLING
We talk quite a bit about asking questions in the sales process. Ask better questions. Don’t assume. Listen. Don’t “tell”. And there is one more super-fantastic way “questions” can be the MVP of your sales game. Ask questions about your prospect’s questions. What? I started paying attention to this a few years ago. As a...
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Avoid missed sales opportunities with current customers
My agile, fit, 71-year-old mother came over this week after cleaning her gutters. They were pulling away from the house so she climbed on a ladder and in the 90 degree Memphis summer heat, cleaned the debris and gunk out of her gutters. The rub came later when she was in the house and tidying...
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Avoid the Sales Email Follow Up Flop
Probably one of the most frustrating scenarios in sales is when you have a conversation or exchange with a prospective customer, follow up with a brilliant email containing a meeting request, information, or pricing, et cetera … and then, NOTHING. Your Follow-Up FLOPPED! • Why didn’t they respond? • Why haven’t they replied? • I...
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st-lucia-market-courtesy-of-st-lucia-online - sales - fundamentals
If you take a trip to pretty much anywhere there are always those areas that are tourist traps full of t-shirts,  magnets, key chains, and “I was here” merchandise with the name of your destination labeled on everything. Recently, I vacationed to the gorgeous island of St. Lucia and traveled to its capital city, Castries,...
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Frame, Questions, Lead, Customers, Value, Context, Relevance, Influence, Features, Price, Competitive Advantage,
In the previous post, we took a hard look at building a more flexible sales process that is completely centered around your customer starting with Assessing Your Features From Your Customers’ Perspective. This practice helps you build your selling messages around the variable points that are truly meaningful to your customers. But wait! There’s More!...
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Looking through your customer's perspective, Features and Benefits, Value, Sales Process, Selling Messages, Value
How many times have you been “pitched” to or sat in a meeting with someone blathering on about the “Features and Benefits” of their products? I say “blathering” because that’s what it feels like when someone is sitting in front of you talking about their product, their features and what THEY believe are the benefits....
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packing self sabotage, buyers don't need your baggage
Last week I was working with a business owner on her sales process. She had engaged a prospective new client and we were discussing the next steps to close this large opportunity. She was nervous, understandably, and she really wanted and needed this account and all the working capital and credibility it would bring. In...
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Presenting is not selling, salesfails, people earn business, sales pros
Many times I have seen a sales person spend hours laboring over a presentation, packing it full of details, statistics, examples, graphs and graphics, pictures and hope. Yes, lots of hope, that the presentation will be so outstanding and cover every conceivable variable or objection that the customer will fall in love with the product...
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Seems like a weird question I’d ask in a “professional” setting, right? I mean, unless you’re a 3 year old or a perhaps an inebriated frat pledge at a Toga party {do they still have those?} you’ve probably never walked out the door without your pants. But perhaps you’re doing it Metaphorically, every day. I...
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