
Mastering communication, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Response, Evoke, Persuasive, Opportunities, Selling, Business, Leadership
As the topic of probably 1/3 of all conversations and certainly 1/3 of all social media posts, this election is truly remarkable and will certainly be dissected 7,432 ways in the history books. What I think is remarkable from a sales vantage is how these Presidential Candidates are masterful in their communication and the response...
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Are your eyes on the competition or your customers? What you SHOULD obsess about in your business.
How do you “handle” the competition? Meaning, do your competitors factor into your offers, your customers, your sales and marketing strategy? How much weight should you give to their consideration? And, What exactly should know about your competition and how do those insights affect YOUR plans? Unless you’re operating in a total vacuum, you should...
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Fear and Rejection: Overcome Business Rejection
  When was your first or most impressive blow of rejection? Was it being picked last for kickball? Denied by your crush for a date to prom? Not getting in to your first choice college? Or losing a job to a more qualified candidate? Most of us have complicated and powerful associations with rejection that...
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