
Two keys to referrals, Selling for Non-Sales People, Referrals, Referral Sales, Referral Selling, Customer Experience, Results, Service Providers, Sales Pros, Solopreneurs, Advocates, Joanne Black,
Earning referrals should be a key focus of your sales strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned sales pro, an entrepreneur, or someone who doesn’t technically have “SALES” in your title but is responsible for generating new business – your sales strategy should absolutely focus on referrals. But before you include asking for referrals in your sales...
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Selling, Sales, Coaching, Non-Sales, People, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, Mindset, Outlook, Professional, Growth, Leadership, Buying, Customers
More and more when I meet business owners at conferences or events and exchange introductions, the conversation quickly turns to “Selling” for the owner and how difficult it is for them. Most often, they say, “I just don’t have enough time to get out there and sell.” But what I really hear is, “I’M NOT...
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