
Do you have a Sales Simulator
That was a special Mother’s Day. Unique, for sure. Remembering this special experience from a few years ago … “No sleeping in, breakfast in bed, or brunch this year. This year we were out the door before school bus time and on our way to a special experience at FedEx. One of my husband’s patients...
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Sales is exhilarating. Selling is grueling. Sales is non-stop activity. Selling is exhausting. Sales is juggling competing priorities. Selling is chasing a constantly moving target. How do you keep filling your new business pipeline, juggling activities, reports, administrative stuff, client relationships, and AVOIDING burnout? Considering the recent (various) reports that suggest nearly 7 out of...
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Selling and SERVING customers during times of crisis (COVID-19)
If you’re feeling like the world has turned upside down, or that we’re living inside an episode of The Twilight Zone, you’re not alone. Every day of these past few weeks has brought new, strange, and scary uncertainty with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic that is running rampant worldwide. We’re not only facing a...
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The Pipeline

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