The Selling Agency Brand Content Strategy

The Selling Agency – Content & Brand Strategy

Target Audience:

Enterprise Business –

Sales Directors, VP Sales, VP Operations & Ops Directors, Sales Training & Sales Enablement, Meeting/Conference Planners

>Highly Competitive, Commoditized & Mature Industry.

>Layers of infrastructure, operating in silos.

>Sales Rep effectiveness {ROI} is becoming more challenging.

>Losing Market Share and or Share of Wallet with existing customers.

>Stagnant Growth, Slow Revenue & or Shrinking Margins.

Second Stage Business –

CEO’s, CMO’s, COO’s and Sales Directors

> Highly Competitive, Commoditized & Mature Industry.

>No formal Sales Department.

>No documented Sales Process.

>Not leveraging Technology to connect with Customers or Scale.

>Company founded by Technician, Specialist, Trade/Craft .

>Competition growing rapidly – barriers to entry becoming lower.

Small Business –

Owners, Marketing and or Sales Directors

>Local and Regional central business focus.

>No formal Sales Department.

>No documented Sales Process.

>Not leveraging Technology to connect with Customers or Scale.

>Company founded by Technician, Specialist, Trade/Craft

>Competition growing rapidly – barriers to entry becoming lower


Core Messages:

The Evolution of Buyers, Sales, & Selling Professionals:

>Innovation and Evolution are Competitive Advantages.

>Audience Development is Key to Buyer Influence.

>New Integration and Alignment Goals for Sales & Marketing.

>Social Selling is Non-Negotiable.

>Value is a Differentiator.

>Human Connection & Human Behavior are critical to earn Buyer Trust.

>Behavior & Customer Experience combined with Technology = Scale.

>Sales is a Department, Selling is Organizational Mission.

>Reverse Engineer Buying to be better at Selling.


Death to the Status Quo:

>Defending or Preserving the Status Quo will get you Replaced.

>The Status Quo is the enemy of Growth.

>Your Status Quo is Temporary.

>Trust must over come fear, risk and the Status Quo.

>Value can move the Status Quo.

>Complacency kills Morale.

>Employee Apathy kills Revenue.


Seek Extraordinary Results:

>Demand Excellence from yourself and everyone else.

>Set the Standards – then rise above them.

>Push through Fear.

>Failure is Useful, Valuable & Necessary.

>Transcend the Competition: Become a Category of One.

>Be the best YOU.

>Continue to Stretch and Grow as a Human & Professional.

>Elevate those around you.

>Promote YourSELF


You’ve got to build a strong brand content strategy that speaks authentically and directly to your target audience. This is how we build {and constantly refine} ours. It takes thought and planning to build the strategy and then consistency in execution {See more posts about Audience Development and Social Media Strategy to decide which communication methods and channels are best for you}.

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