What Do Customers Want To Know About You? {Build Your Brand Content Strategy to Give Them Awesome Answers}

What do you and your business stand for?

What Do Buyers Want to Know About You?

Why should I get to know you?
Why would I accept your meeting invitation or connection request?
What value do you bring to my network?
What do you excel at?
Who have you worked with before?
What results do you produce?
Will I like working with you?
Why should I trust you?
How will you make MY job and/or my life easier?

THESE are some of the critical questions you must answer now BEFORE you actually meet someone – especially potential customers. Buyers are researching answers to their problems and most don’t want to engage a company or sales rep before they know the answers to these questions.

So how do you answer these questions before a chance to sit down and talk with a customer?

You’ve got to build a strong brand content strategy that speaks authentically and directly to your target audience.

And the exciting thing is that this is possible at any scale. In Enterprise or MidMarket companies, Marketing may take on this task but Sales Executives, Small Business, and Solo Entrepreneurs with teams of Me, Myself and I can also leverage the internet and social media through executing solid strategy to find new customers, generate and nurture new leads, earn new business and build advocates.

It takes thought and planning to build the strategy and then consistency in execution {See more posts about Audience Development and Social Media Strategy to decide which communication methods and channels are best for you}.

Build a strong brand content strategy that speaks authentically and directly to your target audience.

That’s not so bad, right? Think of this as just 7 steps to out-pacing your competition {most won’t have a strategy – they’re just “free-stylin” all willy-nilly or are not working on their digital brand and strategy at all – smell the opportunity in the air!}

Start with an outline or with your concrete target customer and one or two specific messages.

To help you get started, you can check out how we built The Selling Agency Content Strategy.

Now, about our Personality and Voice – well, you’ll just have to read all about us to get a feel for our Special Sauce – can’t copy it – it’s one of a kind, as should be YOUR personality and voice. Everyone should develop their own “Brand Personality”, including CEO’s, Entrepreneurs and Sales people. Even Brands have Brand Personalities – the best ones include “Personality” in their Brand through injecting humor, empathy, collaboration, authenticity, transparency and responsiveness {See 4 Tenets of Modern Consumers}.

And our consistency? We practice what we preach here as well – sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Pipeline or see our frequent posts on LinkedIn, twitter and The Selling Agency Facebook page.


Go forth and build an Awesome Content and Brand Strategy for your business and share it with us. We would love to hear how it’s working for you. Hit us up in our social channels or comment below.

And if you need help leveraging your Content, Brand and Audience Development Strategies to increase your Sales and Profit, just tweet, post, email or call.

Until next time, keep kickin’ butt!


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Straightforward, practical and perhaps slightly cheeky, Shawn Karol Sandy's innate gift is helping people find new ways to solve old problems, unique ways to approach new problems and helping businesses re-invent themselves and their sales strategies. With Bold and Brave thought leadership and Clear Action Plans, her impact on business is Measurable and Meaningful and will lead your sales revolution to growth and revenue goals.

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