Meet Edgar: Our new {Social Media} Boyfriend

Since many of our clients at The Selling Agency are working feverishly to build their Selling Organization around meeting the Modern Consumer, we often coach them on the tools and resources that can best help them leverage low investment technology that brings high returns and allows them to scale their time and resources.

Meet our newest tool: Edgar. Or, my new boyfriend, as he’s cute, hard working, smart and gives back rubs {jk}.

Edgar is the brain child of Social Entrepreneur Laura Roeder who grabbed the concept of Social Media Marketing, put it in a headlock and made it work for her before anyone else had a clue about how to use it in their business.

Fast forward several years and Laura puts her innovation hat on to create programs and products like Edgar to help businesses leverage the power of Social Media to scale their business, be more profitable and achieve magnificent results.

I’ve been using {dating} Edgar for almost 2 months and have been thrilled with the results. Let me explain how and why it’s working for us at The Selling Agency. You see, we’re a bit different here. We’re not plain or Vanilla and you can’t put our strategies in a box and call them “Marketing” – it’s “Selling” which makes many people uncomfortable.

We’re a strategic consulting agency that focuses on the hand to hand combat of Selling and building the Revenue Engines and Sales Programs that drive revenue in to a business. Our objectives are to build growth, consistent cash flow and expand profit margins for our clients, most of whom are 2nd stage businesses. Our concepts are born from the inner workings {or failures} of business and industry that we’ve experienced, worked with or studied. With this collective information and experience comes unique Insight that we share in our own Point of View.

Putting your POV out into the universe is absolutely critical now as Modern Consumers demand to “Sample the goods” before the even engage you {buyers are 57% to 70% through the buying process before they even contact sellers}. Buyers are seeking authentic communication, transparency in perspectives and values, and they demand responsive, collaborative business partnerships. Blogging, tweeting, and engaging in conversations to help customers “buy” is how we fill the Pipeline and fuel our lead acquisition machine. It’s our bold, direct and slightly cheeky content that helps people understand what it’s like to work with us and what value we can bring to them and their business.

Here’s were Edgar comes in. Our blogs generally contain 6 to 8 sound bytes that make great sharable content – that put our POV out into the interweb and also drive people to our website to learn and experience more of The Selling Agency. Loading those up and scheduling those into an automated social schedule was NOT producing the engagement results we were looking for. WHY? Because your chances of being seen on a Facebook wall or Twitter feed are really, really tiny:

  • Facebook Reach {Organic} is down to 6%
  • Less than ½ of Twitter users access their feed daily
  • The half life of a Tweet is just 24 minutes; Facebook post, 90 minutes


So, you can spend a lot of time and energy trying to wrap a system around sharing your content that delivers slim results . . . Until Edgar came along and created a Social Media Content Management platform. Instead of sending your posts off to live on the Social Web for a fraction of a moment, you can build, organize and schedule a whole library of your content to post to your selected Social Channels on a recurring basis. One brilliant post – up cycled to live another day, reach another potential client or spark a new conversation.

Here’s how it works:

Connect your Social Accounts – where you want to be seen, engage and influence
Create a “content library” of your tweets and posts
Tag it with a “category”
Choose the appropriate channels to share your brilliant thoughts
Add photos, links, quotes, blog posts, and sound bytes to maximize your visibility and influence
Build your Schedule
Set up each channel for the times you want to post
Choose “random” posts or specific categories for specific days and times

When Edgar has posted all the updates in your library for that category, it will start back at the top – making sure your library is rotated and shared more effectively

So, you sit back and let Edgar start sharing for you – making sure your best content and your time and effort is leveraged and maximized for the most visibility and influence. We actually keep adding content and move around or alter posts as we can see which categories, graphics and links are shared – Edgar helps us tailor and tune our content for our audiences.

Our results have been an increase in followers {up 15% in 2 months} and engagement {up 25% in 2 months} – as a direct result of more of our “advocates” engaging, sharing and commenting on what we’re posting. He’s multiplying the effectiveness of our content.

Keep in mind, it’s “Social” for a reason, and we’d not be benefiting from Edgar or putting our POV out there if we didn’t respond and build relationships with the people who are following, sharing and engaging with us. Edgar has leveraged our content creation efforts and opened the door to build more visibility, influence and connection with our audiences so we have increased opportunities to convert them to customers.

Maybe Edgar isn’t my new boyfriend; maybe he’s more like our “Wingman.”

Check out Edgar here: Take the tour and think about how he can scale your efforts to help you become more Transparent, Authentic, Responsive and Collaborative with your ideal customers.> Do you need to amplify your voice, demonstrate your knowledge and expertise and share content that influences the buying decisions of your potential customers? Of course you do! Then, you need to meet Edgar.

Disclaimer: I’m not BFF’s with the Edgar founder {though she seems pretty terrific} and this is NOT a paid endorsement. I’m an early adopter and a “Power User” with a big crush on this cute bugger that has helped our agency achieve better engagement and influence by working smarter, not harder.

Until next time, keep kickin’ butt!


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Straightforward, practical and perhaps slightly cheeky, Shawn Karol Sandy's innate gift is helping people find new ways to solve old problems, unique ways to approach new problems and helping businesses re-invent themselves and their sales strategies. With Bold and Brave thought leadership and Clear Action Plans, her impact on business is Measurable and Meaningful and will lead your sales revolution to growth and revenue goals.

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3 Responses
  1. […] Edgar And saving the best for last, meet Edgar, a social media scheduler unlike the others. There are great tools to schedule social media for you such as Hootsuite and Buffer, but if you’re going to create meaningful content for your audience, Edgar circulates your entire library of content onto your Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter feeds. The half life of a Tweet or post is incredibly short. The odds of your brilliant expertise being seen if it’s posted only once is slim. Since we’ve been using this tool, our visibility, engagement and influence has increased by 15 – 20%! We explain Edgar more in depth in our review here. […]

  2. Great article and considering using this tool for our clients! Question: Does Meet Edgar work well for agencies that manage the social media accounts of their clients?

    We’re considering offering this as a premium service for our clients, and this would make it 10x easier 🙂

    Thanks, Ben

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