
Shawn Karol Sandy
In getting to the business “promise land” – profit and growth, success isn’t always a perfectly pristine theory translated into a formula. Success is tough and dirty work, sometimes even ugly. This week, I had to share a fascinating series of books {and short but insightful blogs} by Roy Osing: BE DiFFERENT or be dead...
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99 BLOGS LATER - 3 lessons learned
This week marks the 100th blog post in The Pipeline. Whew. That is a lot of blood, sweat, tears and dedication to writing to and for our core audience of entrepreneurs, sales pros and leaders. Sharing insights, experiences and perspectives has been the BEST and most important strategy I have implemented in my business. Committing...
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prevent unhappy customers in your business
We spend a lot of time and energy writing and discussing how to attract and sell to customers. Our focus is primarily on the top of the funnel – generating “At Bats” for our customers and readers because if you bring the right product to the right people at the right time and demonstrate your...
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Small Business Solutions: Steak or Potatoes Strategy
  We work with a lot of small and not-so-small businesses – from many different industries and markets – data management, accounting, freight and logistics, restaurants, technology, drilling {oil}, commercial construction . . . a pretty diverse group. But they all have one thing in common: most of these great businesses have tried, started or...
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4 Keys To Earning Customers: Better Blogging, Emails & Social Media
**CAUTION: Painful #TruthBomb below** Have you started a blog for your business or sales efforts? How’s it going? Was your last post March 2014? How about that email newsletter to stay top of mind with clients? Or how’s your social media strategy working for you—are you connecting and engaging your top prospects? Ouch. We can...
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It’s financially detrimental when you make “Sales” an afterthought in your business.
I’ve heard every conceivable combination of titles and explanations that dance around the inevitable conclusion that a person is SELLING something. Give me a title, a business, any role, and I can tell you what they are selling: HR Director—Sells employee buy in, job satisfaction, order and processes Nail Artist—Sells unique self expression, personal style...
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What do Monkeys have to do with Relationship Selling?
What do Monkeys have to do with building relationships to increase sales? A lot, actually. Stick with me here . . . In the 1990’s, British anthropologist, Robin Dunbar, studied primates and found a correlation between primate brain size and average social group size. By using the average human brain size and extrapolating from the...
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Fear is the biggest obstacle standing between us and our objectives – earning promotions, sales or customers.
As a woman who has had a successful career in sales and built a business around helping people sell their product, service or themselves, I understand just how greatly people fear “selling” and “promoting” themselves. The biological and psychological barriers, the stigma, the cultural and gender bias that comes along with self promotion is paralyzing...
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Entrepreneurs must be relevant and compelling to their audience to have a winning pitch.
Last week I attended a fantastic entrepreneur conference in Nashville, 3686South, hosted by Launch Tennessee. The conference was full of innovative, bright, and energetic entrepreneurs, tech incubator talent, sponsors, and investors. Let me just give you a brief rundown of what made this 2+ day event so special—because you’re going to want to be there...
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Great advice often spans more than one situation, one purpose or use and is best when passed along.
There is no shortage of advice on business – building it, running it, growing it {ah, ahem hence, our blog}. Much of the wisdom we hear doesn’t resonate with us right away – perhaps not until we’re in circumstances that give it context. But most everyone has those one or two pieces of life changing...
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