
Shawn Karol Sandy
In sales silence is deadly
I can usually diagnose problems pretty quickly. I work hard to do so because of that whole “time is money” theory. I like to think it’s a combination of listening, experience, perception, and intuition that makes me a keen consultant. Like a bloodhound for revenue issues . . . but one that loves a good...
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Afraid of being too pushy in sales
I hear sellers and business owners tell me they “Don’t want to be too pushy” at least 5 times a week. Trust me, if you have to say that, you’ve never been “too pushy”. Many of us have had negative experiences with salespeople that have a bulldozer mentality. They’re not afraid to run over you...
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When do you lose customer trust
Have you ever started talking to someone and then a “look” comes over them? They pull back a little, maybe cross their arms or turn their body away from you. You’ve just lost their trust. What was it you said or did that triggered their distrust response? It could be something you’re doing or saying...
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What do salespeople do when customers disappear?
Has this ever happened to you? A hot prospect shows tremendous interest. You have a great first conversation. Your initial meeting was promising. You agree to talk next steps. You send them an email to follow up . . . and get crickets. You leave them a voicemail . . . and hear nothing. You...
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Discovery Questions for that First Sales Meeting
I’ve always thought the term “Sales” was a bit of a misnomer. People say I’m in “Sales.” It’s a noun, which is the result, not the action, which is different than how “Marketing” is presented – as a verb. From a psychological frame of reference, I try to use “Selling” as often as possible to...
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Be a connector for your customers
What’s the biggest hurdle you face when selling to someone? Well, other than getting their initial attention and time in front of them, your biggest hurdle is building credibility and ultimately trust. Trust isn’t cheap. Credibility can’t be faked. And honestly, many buyers put you at arm’s length at the beginning of your relationship because...
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The Kudzu Effect How do your sales messages stand out
Have you ever heard of Kudzu? If you’ve driven through the Southeastern parts of the US, you’ve probably seen Kudzu. It’s an Asian vine introduced to the US and branded in the 1930s and 40s as a way for farmers to control erosion and introduce nitrogen to their soil. You might recognize it as it...
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Could you sell to your mother
Mother’s Day reminded me of an episode of The SellOut Show where we talked to the super seller, Josh Sutton from DiscoverOrg and in a passionate moment caught up in prospecting, he stated that he “believed he could sell DiscoverOrg to his grandma.” To his GRANDMA! Wow. That’s confidence! It made me think, could I...
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The Modern Sellers Creed: Helping vs Selling
There is a great commercial out now that reminds about what the true meaning of “Selling” should be. It’s a Capital One pitch for their new “Capital One Cafes” – where they point out that all banks look and feel the same. Their novel idea is to provide a relaxed, easy environment, “A welcoming environment...
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How do you climb out of a sales slump?
There seems to come a time in every performer’s career where they have a “slump.” Baseball players have them, golfers, and yes, sales pros too – even the best ones. So how do you handle a slump, slow streak, or sales drought? I thought back to my own days as an account executive and new...
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