
Be Better in Business
Are you a giver or a taker in sales? Better Selling, Value, Helping Buy
If you run a business, you probably spend a lot of time “fending off”, or, at least ignoring crappy sales attempts – to be blunt. I say this with love for my profession of sales – which I’m obsessed with improving – as I too am now fending off crappy sales attempts. Though, they do...
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Learn Harder - Insights from 2016 Sales Machine Summit by and Sales Hacker
Traveling to NYC this past week, I had the opportunity to get chatty with many of my fellow travelers. “Going places” is pretty much a universal language and helps create instant bonds when you’re “all in this together” on a plane, or in a terminal. So, unless you give the international sign of “don’t bother...
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Lessons from the salamander, Sheila C. Johnson's Four Keys to Business Success
Last week, amid the hustle and bustle of clients and travel plans, I made time to attend the FedEx Executive Women’s Day out at TPC Southwind, at the invitation of my friend and financial planner. I have to admit, I was in the weeds last week and I didn’t do my own due diligence to...
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Business - it's not like Tee Ball, hustling, major league, measurement, tracking, accountability, sales, revenue, growing small business
Ask anyone how they determine who to pick for their Fantasy Sports team and they’ll tell you it’s all about the “stats”. Performance metrics are the best indicators of future success. Stats are kept for each play, each hit, tackle, pass, catch, whatever the sport if an athlete moves, it’s tracked so they can make...
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I realized we’ve struck a nerve with this series, “Selling for Non-Sales People” when I mention we’ve rolled out this intensive and coaching program, the response is to grab my arm and say “YES! I NEED THIS” with giant eyes and emphatic jerking on my arm. The response in the first weeks has blown me...
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Heat Up Your Sales Results, Joanne Black - Referral Sales
We’re back this week with another blog post on how to avoid Sales Fails. This time, I asked another Women Sales Pro member, Joanne Black, “What would be the one thing, you would tell sellers to stop doing immediately?” Being the sales industry authority and go-to expert on Referral Selling, Joanne’s response was no surprise...
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Basketball and Business, Does your team have the right skills?
This post evolved from a conversation with a colleague, Gina Trimarco, of Pivot10 Results, a leadership, sales, and service trainer, a studier of people, and a fantastic business sage. Gina uses analogies and metaphors in much of her training and coaching so I challenged her to take part in our March Madness Business blogging and...
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Are you making the best first impressions? You need talk tracks
A while back, we participated in a great business expo hosted by the local chamber. At The Selling Agency booth, we asked people to “Give us their best pitch” about their business. And . . . we offered to record it for them and email them the sound bites. There was a specific point to asking...
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sales, persona, personality, social media, expectations, Leadership, responsiveness, #SalesFails, Lynn Hidy, UpYourTeleSales, Women Sales Pros
This is the last blog in a 4 part series of #SalesFails where I asked the 4 brilliant and insightful sales experts in my Master Mind group to share their tips with me and The Selling Agency audience. From trainer and telesales guru, Lynn Hidy, founder of UpYourTeleSales, comes advice that aligns with one of...
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Seller, C-Level, Meetings, Opportunities, Top Line Sales, Lisa Magnuson
In the first of the Sales Fails series, our sales pro gave the advice to “Stop Hiding Behind Email” in order to build relationships, earn trust and close deals faster. This week’s expert advice comes from the founder of Top Lines Sales, Lisa Magnuson, Top Line Deal Coach. Lisa’s advice is a great recommendation for...
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