
Does this title feel ALL too familiar to you? I write this blog as I had an encounter with a business prospect last week. “Tom” had met me and heard me speak at a conference about “Meeting the Modern Consumer” and sent me an email to discuss what that really meant for his business. Tom...
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How are you getting in front of your Target Audience? Do they know your expertise and value? Did you see what we did there? We didn’t say “customers” or “prospects” we used “Audience”. Because if you ONLY speak to whom you think will BUY from you, you’re missing the boat on advocates, influencers, donors, supporters and...
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Have you ever had a chat with someone and you walked away with your “Spidey Sense” screaming that the conversation and/or the person was completely full of it? Or did you have the feeling that what they “said” was not in alignment with their intentions or actions? I call that “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”...
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As Employees, Employers, Bosses & Business Owners, our lifeblood is our relationships to each other. That “interconnectedness” is inescapable to make the economic machine go round. As a Sales Executive, Director and Entrepreneur, my collaborative and transparent relationships with customers, suppliers, production staff and managers have contributed greatly to my work success. We rely on...
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If you’re an innovator, builder, game changer, entrepreneur, promotion seeker or department of ONE, it can be lonely trying to forge new paths. No one can share your burdens directly – even with empathy and support in your work, it can be a hard and isolating journey filled with doubt, sacrifice and wrong turns before...
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One of the most amazing benefits Technology has delivered to consumers is the function of “immediacy” and the ability to make purchases, decisions and changes in an instant. I can buy movie tickets, stream a movie, transfer money, pay bills, post a blog, ship artwork, meet colleagues, collaborate on a presentation, host a webinar and...
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Everyone is talking about transparency—from the NFL to Corporate policies, to your love life and relationships, being Transparent is not new but receiving increased importance when we factor it in our equation of Trust. With access to nearly unlimited information on products, services, companies and people, information is no longer the key of the seller...
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What’s your title? Are you the owner, the manager, the producer, the seller, the buyer, the coordinator? No matter if you’re the CEO or the CSR {Customer Service Representative}, a Solopreneur or Sales Rep at a Fortune 500 company, you are undoubtedly experiencing the rapid shift running through businesses like wildfire today that is called...
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There are a LOT of articles swirling around us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook about the traits of successful people—what they eat for breakfast, how much they exercise, what kind of vacations they take . . . but what do successful people DO to become more successful? This list is a good start for Anyone...
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There’s a big discussion happening out in the business world about Employee Engagement: the emotional commitment an employee has to the organization and achieving its targeted goals. Employee engagement is the cornerstone for our building block “Culture” when The Selling Agency is called in to a business to build a Selling Organization {Directing all resources...
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