
Sales Tools
Sales Program Check Up
You have a sales team or maybe you’ve been plugging away at your own sales efforts for a while now. How do you know how you’re doing? Other than hitting your sales goals . . . or not, how do you measure the health of your sales program? Sales results are one indication of how...
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Marketing, Selling, Messages, Communication, Sales Process, Prospecting, Small Business, Growth, Value, Email, Social Media, Social Selling, LinkedIn, Results, Business Owners
Watching the sales activity of several sales teams lately, I have come to the conclusion that these teams are truly confused about the differences between MARKETING and SELLING. I work with many small businesses where the business owner and/or the small sales teams sell and there is often NOT a marketing department within the company....
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Selling Mix, Marketing Mix, Promotion, Email, Social Media, Social Selling, Customer Currency, Context, Cold Calling, Referral, Introduction, Influence, Sales Rep, Buyer Journey, Sales Process
Several months back I was sitting in on a sales meeting with a new client, observing her sales team, what she asked of them and what they reported. When asked about the progress on meeting with a particular prospect, one sales rep admitted, with frustration, “I don’t know what his problem is. I just haven’t...
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no sales shortcuts to the top, Sales Process, Shortcuts, Value, CEO, Executives, Single Threaded, Advocates, Opportunities, Trail, Success, Switchbacks, Blogs, Inspiration
Where does blog inspiration come from? Many, MANY posts over these last few years have come from being on the buying side – analyzing and reverse engineering my experience as a customer to share the Do’s, Don’ts and #SALESFAILS that can help my clients and audience build smarter sales strategies. Many blog posts also come...
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Buying signals, buying triggers, Email, Social Media, Social Selling, Follow Up
Recently, I handed over my email address to a sales technology company and much to my annoyance, my phone number, name of my company, title, and headcount – to download an e-book of “sumthin’ or other” (it was so memorable, I couldn’t tell you the details of what or why I opted in). The promise...
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LinkedIn Fool with a tool, social media isn't working for my business
“A Fool with a tool is still a Fool.” So says the outspoken social selling evangelist, Jill Rowley. Jill was one of the first 100 employees at and has pioneered social selling, challenging the modern sales pro to keep pace with the modern buyer. I completely agree with her. A fool with a tool...
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what is a sales playbook, alice kemper sales trainer interview
Earlier this year, my friend and super sales trainer, Alice Kemper asked me my thoughts about the term “Sales Playbook”. I had shared with Alice that we build these often and help our clients execute these plans and she’s heard the term frequently lately and wanted to know if it was a “buzz word” or...
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Stop Winging it and Make a Sales Plan Expert Advice Via Alice Heiman
We’ve had great response (and a lot of STRONG suggestions) when we started asking sales leaders across the country to share their insights about what sales pros should STOP doing to earn more sales. I had particularly emphatic response from my colleagues of Women Sales Pros, whom all seem to be on a mission to...
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Are you making the best first impressions? You need talk tracks
A while back, we participated in a great business expo hosted by the local chamber. At The Selling Agency booth, we asked people to “Give us their best pitch” about their business. And . . . we offered to record it for them and email them the sound bites. There was a specific point to asking...
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Cash Flow Crisis_Small Business_Sales Process_Sales Strategy_Stop Winging It
You can say it in many ways. You can define it in many terms – from the technical to blunt: CASH FLOW is KING for small business. The ability to survive and the opportunity to thrive for a small business both hinge on access to available cash. Surviving means you have the necessary cash to...
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