
Selling for Non-Sales People
Looking through your customer's perspective, Features and Benefits, Value, Sales Process, Selling Messages, Value
How many times have you been “pitched” to or sat in a meeting with someone blathering on about the “Features and Benefits” of their products? I say “blathering” because that’s what it feels like when someone is sitting in front of you talking about their product, their features and what THEY believe are the benefits....
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Mastering communication, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Response, Evoke, Persuasive, Opportunities, Selling, Business, Leadership
As the topic of probably 1/3 of all conversations and certainly 1/3 of all social media posts, this election is truly remarkable and will certainly be dissected 7,432 ways in the history books. What I think is remarkable from a sales vantage is how these Presidential Candidates are masterful in their communication and the response...
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back to school for business, Ted Talks, Growth, Communication, Listen, Persistence, Innovation, Productivity
As we wind down summer activities, the nation gets ready to send our children “back to school” which euphemistically means, back to learning, studying, and progressing. I’ve found that this time of year is an excellent time to ramp up my own learning and focus on business growth – both to finish the year with...
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no sales shortcuts to the top, Sales Process, Shortcuts, Value, CEO, Executives, Single Threaded, Advocates, Opportunities, Trail, Success, Switchbacks, Blogs, Inspiration
Where does blog inspiration come from? Many, MANY posts over these last few years have come from being on the buying side – analyzing and reverse engineering my experience as a customer to share the Do’s, Don’ts and #SALESFAILS that can help my clients and audience build smarter sales strategies. Many blog posts also come...
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Two keys to referrals, Selling for Non-Sales People, Referrals, Referral Sales, Referral Selling, Customer Experience, Results, Service Providers, Sales Pros, Solopreneurs, Advocates, Joanne Black,
Earning referrals should be a key focus of your sales strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned sales pro, an entrepreneur, or someone who doesn’t technically have “SALES” in your title but is responsible for generating new business – your sales strategy should absolutely focus on referrals. But before you include asking for referrals in your sales...
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Avoid the Summer Sales Meltdown
“Everyone’s on vacation”, “It’s too hot to get out and see a bunch of people”, “No one is making decisions right now” . . . Recognize these statements? They’re the little lies we tell ourselves because during these Dog Days of summer, we’re hot, we’re tired, and either trying to catch up from being on...
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Buying signals, buying triggers, Email, Social Media, Social Selling, Follow Up
Recently, I handed over my email address to a sales technology company and much to my annoyance, my phone number, name of my company, title, and headcount – to download an e-book of “sumthin’ or other” (it was so memorable, I couldn’t tell you the details of what or why I opted in). The promise...
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Are you a giver or a taker in sales? Better Selling, Value, Helping Buy
If you run a business, you probably spend a lot of time “fending off”, or, at least ignoring crappy sales attempts – to be blunt. I say this with love for my profession of sales – which I’m obsessed with improving – as I too am now fending off crappy sales attempts. Though, they do...
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Learn Harder - Insights from 2016 Sales Machine Summit by and Sales Hacker
Traveling to NYC this past week, I had the opportunity to get chatty with many of my fellow travelers. “Going places” is pretty much a universal language and helps create instant bonds when you’re “all in this together” on a plane, or in a terminal. So, unless you give the international sign of “don’t bother...
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Lessons from the salamander, Sheila C. Johnson's Four Keys to Business Success
Last week, amid the hustle and bustle of clients and travel plans, I made time to attend the FedEx Executive Women’s Day out at TPC Southwind, at the invitation of my friend and financial planner. I have to admit, I was in the weeds last week and I didn’t do my own due diligence to...
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