
Selling for Non-Sales People
LinkedIn Fool with a tool, social media isn't working for my business
“A Fool with a tool is still a Fool.” So says the outspoken social selling evangelist, Jill Rowley. Jill was one of the first 100 employees at and has pioneered social selling, challenging the modern sales pro to keep pace with the modern buyer. I completely agree with her. A fool with a tool...
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Business - it's not like Tee Ball, hustling, major league, measurement, tracking, accountability, sales, revenue, growing small business
Ask anyone how they determine who to pick for their Fantasy Sports team and they’ll tell you it’s all about the “stats”. Performance metrics are the best indicators of future success. Stats are kept for each play, each hit, tackle, pass, catch, whatever the sport if an athlete moves, it’s tracked so they can make...
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I realized we’ve struck a nerve with this series, “Selling for Non-Sales People” when I mention we’ve rolled out this intensive and coaching program, the response is to grab my arm and say “YES! I NEED THIS” with giant eyes and emphatic jerking on my arm. The response in the first weeks has blown me...
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Selling for non-sales people, building your strategy, small business, entrepreneur, growing business, selling
Last post we started the series, “Selling for Non-Sales People” to give a framework and roadmap for those of you who may be business owners, bankers, lawyers, consultants, fundraisers, directors, or anyone who doesn’t have the term “Sales Pro” in their professional title. Everyone is in sales in some capacity – selling ideas, services, influence,...
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Selling, Sales, Coaching, Non-Sales, People, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, Mindset, Outlook, Professional, Growth, Leadership, Buying, Customers
More and more when I meet business owners at conferences or events and exchange introductions, the conversation quickly turns to “Selling” for the owner and how difficult it is for them. Most often, they say, “I just don’t have enough time to get out there and sell.” But what I really hear is, “I’M NOT...
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