
Selling Pro
Don’t Let That “Sour Grapes” SalesPerson Wreak Havoc On Your Organization
“Disparaging what one cannot obtain, as in The losers’ scorn for the award is pure Sour Grapes.” This expression alludes to the Greek writer Aesop’s famous fable about a fox that cannot reach some grapes on a high vine and announces that they are sour. By nature, sellers are competitive. The best salespeople are naturally...
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How do you really impress customers
When was the last time you were blown away by someone trying to sell you something? That long ago, huh? Maybe never? With the ever-increasing ability to serve ourselves in the pursuit of purchases, as buyers, we’ve been putting a lot of distance between us and sellers until we’re really sure we need someone to...
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3 Ways to Overcome Buyer Distrust
Why does the sales profession get a bad rap? What’s the number one reason many people don’t want to be approached by a seller? Is it that we think they’re too pushy? Is it that we don’t want to be confronted with a choice or have to reject someone? Is it because we think they’re...
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What Makes A Stellar Seller part 3
Super successful sellers have some similar key characteristics. Self-starting, hard-working, disciplined … there are core traits and outliers that show up on personality tests. However, more telling to me than any of those core traits is the investment someone makes in their own career and skills. Well-rounded people have interests in many things and that...
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What makes a super seller part 2
In the last post, I started down the road of what makes a well-rounded sales pro. First and foremost, I think Super Sellers are self-starters who continue to invest in their own success with a continuous love for learning. Buying has evolved at warp speed over the last decade so sellers need to continue to...
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Well Rounded sellers have charisma
What does it mean to be great at SELLING? What makes a Super Sales Person? There’s a remarkable amount of time, energy, and money wrapped up in building an effective salesforce – rightly so. Sales teams are the revenue drivers for the organization so we’ve got to invest in the vehicle, right! Like most things...
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How excited does your prospect get when they see your email pop into their inbox? Wouldn’t it be great if they had a Pavlovian response and immediately expected to see something cool, interesting, or insightful when they clicked on your message? Sadly, most “clicks” on sales messages – especially cold or following up – are...
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Don't Disappear After You Close the Deal
About a year ago, I researched some software to execute some processes in my business. This was a significant investment for me – more so in scaling my business than in price – it was an important decision. Between three options, I chose the one that had the best features for me and the sales...
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Chasing the One Call Sales Unicorn Myth
What thoughts go through your head when you call someone and don’t get a callback? How do you feel when you get no response to an email you sent a prospect? Sellers tell me that the biggest frustration and source of pain in their job is feeling like they’re being ignored by potential customers. For...
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3 Productivity Hacks for Salespeople
A while back, I gave away a bunch of copies of Jill Konrath’s new book, MORE SALES. LESS TIME. I tied those giveaways to an offer of a free consulting conversation about the struggles business owners and sellers face to be productive in this stressful and ever distracting “shiny object” environment. My purpose was two-fold:...
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