
Small Business
Depending on what you’re selling and who you’re selling to, or maybe you’re cutting out a commute, you may have some extra time on your hands to refresh or reinvent your sales process and selling tools. Here’s a great place to start. This past week, I was reviewing a Pitch Deck for a young seller...
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Selling and SERVING customers during times of crisis (COVID-19)
If you’re feeling like the world has turned upside down, or that we’re living inside an episode of The Twilight Zone, you’re not alone. Every day of these past few weeks has brought new, strange, and scary uncertainty with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic that is running rampant worldwide. We’re not only facing a...
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What's on your sales summer reading list?
I love stacking up my summer reading list. Whether it’s an audiobook I listen to while driving or a good old paperback page-turner that gets covered with sea salt and sand, I’m planning my list as Memorial Day and Summer is right around the corner. What’s on this year’s list? A mix of business, skill...
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Small Business Sales Strike Out
Guest Post by Selena Silvestro, Director of Ground Floor Strategies at The Selling Agency and weekend warrior baseball fan in the bleachers. Read on for first-hand sales advice for Small Business Owners, Solopreneurs, and Sales Pros in Small Businesses: Every business lives and dies by its ability to build revenue. Unfortunately, roughly 80% of businesses...
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Selling and Campfires-new business development-sales-new sales pros
You might be surprised to know where I find inspiration for these blog posts. Or, maybe not, considering you’re here. I bring a lot of everyday life into training and coaching conversations in sales. I find that general business jargon and “sales speak” make people want to take a nap or mentally check out. Telling...
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How do stories help you sell more-customers
As sellers, aren’t we always looking for an easier way to talk to buyers? We’re looking for easier conversations. Looking for ways to relate and be relevant to our customers. We’re trying to find ways to make people WANT to listen to us amongst the crowded field of our competition and the thousands of messages...
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Sales Program Check Up
You have a sales team or maybe you’ve been plugging away at your own sales efforts for a while now. How do you know how you’re doing? Other than hitting your sales goals . . . or not, how do you measure the health of your sales program? Sales results are one indication of how...
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5 reasons your emails bomb with customers, Email, Sales, Selling, Audience Development, Value
This week’s blog has been hijacked by our Director of Ground Floor Strategies, Selena Silvestro. As we approach the end of the year, she grabbed the chance to speak to business owners and sales pros about what NOT to do when emailing customers and prospective buyers: “If you’re waiting to contact your customers, clients, or...
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Build a better go to market sales strategy
Many businesses in a B2B channel get their start by filling a need or having a solution that provides a jump on the market. Or maybe, you, as the owner, took your experience and started your business with a front loaded customer base that followed you. However your business got started, there comes a time...
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We’ve descended into total “ball” season, folks: football, baseball, the other “football” affectionately known as soccer, and even volleyball. In our house with two sporty kids, right now we’re either playing a game, practicing for a game, watching a game, or talking about a game. I’m writing this post after my daughter’s volleyball practice tonight...
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