
sales, persona, personality, social media, expectations, Leadership, responsiveness, #SalesFails, Lynn Hidy, UpYourTeleSales, Women Sales Pros
This is the last blog in a 4 part series of #SalesFails where I asked the 4 brilliant and insightful sales experts in my Master Mind group to share their tips with me and The Selling Agency audience. From trainer and telesales guru, Lynn Hidy, founder of UpYourTeleSales, comes advice that aligns with one of...
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rock your resolutions for the new year - what's your business plan?
The fresh, exciting NEW-ness of a shiny year is here. Our annual tradition is to make one or several Resolutions—a commitment to do, change, stop or achieve something in this New Year. Making resolutions is the fun, exciting part of visualizing our business (or personal and professional) future and success. However, I don’t want to...
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sales sherpa
Selling to the small or mid sized business owner? That’s about as easy as pinning Jell-O to a wall, right? Business owners have 4,329 priorities in front of YOU, so how does a Sales Pro sell to the Small and Mid Sized Business? With the sheer volume of opportunities—Small and Mid Sized business owners {SMB}—represent...
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As you get busy putting the finishing touches on this year and planning for the next, it’s easy to get lost in the numbers. Yes, it’s critical to measure wins, losses, margins and profits so you can build budgets and projections, but don’t forget to spend some time planning the sales messages you’ll communicate to...
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How are you getting in front of your Target Audience? Do they know your expertise and value? Did you see what we did there? We didn’t say “customers” or “prospects” we used “Audience”. Because if you ONLY speak to whom you think will BUY from you, you’re missing the boat on advocates, influencers, donors, supporters and...
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As Employees, Employers, Bosses & Business Owners, our lifeblood is our relationships to each other. That “interconnectedness” is inescapable to make the economic machine go round. As a Sales Executive, Director and Entrepreneur, my collaborative and transparent relationships with customers, suppliers, production staff and managers have contributed greatly to my work success. We rely on...
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Since many of our clients at The Selling Agency are working feverishly to build their Selling Organization around meeting the Modern Consumer, we often coach them on the tools and resources that can best help them leverage low investment technology that brings high returns and allows them to scale their time and resources. Meet our...
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It’s an amazing marvel to watch my 5 year old work technology. Navigating Netflix on a tablet or doing Math games on a computer, I am in awe at how easily and intuitively they navigate something that is mystical, perplexing and a continuous moving target. They have no context of B.I. – Before Internet, and...
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Have you ever tried to buy something and “abandoned ship” or, cart, because the seller was just making things too difficult to complete the sale? Whether you’re selling something online or in person, there are several things you could be doing that are putting barriers up between you and closing a sale. We get really...
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Everyone is in sales. EVERYONE has an agenda, a product, an idea, a position that they need to sell and on the flip side, we are ALL customers and prospective customers. At any given time, we are selling or being sold. So with a world full of Sales People, sometimes we are face to face...
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