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sales fail
My clients and colleagues through the years groan and moan when I bring up “Role Playing” as practice to deliver their important messages. While I understand their push back— It takes more time. What if I do or say something embarrassing in front of peers? What if I mess up and people think I can’t...
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I’ve had the privilege of meeting and talking with thousands of people over the course of my career in sales, leadership and development. These last several years, as the pieces of The Selling Agency started fitting together and forming in the background of my life, I began a transformation that would ultimately drive me to...
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Is it Strategy or Is it Illusion? Do you have a strategy to grow your business? Be honest? If yes, are you using it? Is there a Sales Plan in it? Are you executing your sales plan? Are you on track to meet your goals? Are you measuring your results? Are you accountable to your results? Where can you improve?...
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