sales, persona, personality, social media, expectations, Leadership, responsiveness, #SalesFails, Lynn Hidy, UpYourTeleSales, Women Sales Pros

Don’t Trade Your Personality for a “Persona” – Avoid this #SalesFails via sales pro and founder of UpYourTeleSales, Lynn Hidy

This is the last blog in a 4 part series of #SalesFails where I asked the 4 brilliant and insightful sales experts in my Master Mind group to share their tips with me and The Selling Agency audience.

From trainer and telesales guru, Lynn Hidy, founder of UpYourTeleSales, comes advice that aligns with one of the very core competitive advantages we teach, preach and coach to our Selling Agency clients: Differentiation.

When I asked Lynn, “If you could tell sales professionals to stop doing this ONE THING what would it be?”

Lynn’s response?

“One thing sellers should stop doing IMMEDIATELY is discounting the things that are unique to them, as a person, that prospects and customers value.

The first thing people buy into BEFORE they purchase products or services is the salesperson. When I’ve interviewed customers and asked why they gave a salesperson their first chance at doing business together the responses are typically not about a company or what they purchased, rather they are about the person. Here are a few examples: humor, responsiveness to my questions, always a delight to speak with, understands my challenges.”

When all other features are comparable, customers choose the PERSON they like best.

Sometimes, in our efforts to be professional, we put on a persona of who we think people want or expect to show up. We see this in sales, job interviews and even in social media.

No matter what you’re selling, your best chance of connecting and building a relationship is with your authentic, true self. Professional behavior is different than a dull or stock persona. Personality traits that attract your customers are

  • Humoryour particular spin on good, bad or awkward situations
  • Empathyhow you understand and relate to their situation or challenges
  • Responsivehow you anticipate and prepare to meet and work with them
  • Leadershipyour willingness to take the reins, coordinate resources and lead people
  • Considerationfor others and their insights, talent or challenges
  • Resourcefulness bringing more than your own solutions to the party
  • Style – your personality via your swag, swagger and aesthetics

Don’t lose what makes YOU special, it could be your best competitive advantage!

Until next time, stop hoping, start SELLING!


Thanks this week for the insights of Lynn Hidy, one of my fantastic Women Sales Pros colleagues.
Lynn Hidy helps sales executives catapult their inside salespeople into sales mastery. The foundation of her inside sales training practice, UpYourTeleSales LLC, starts with building new skill sets in your team and systematically increases results through behavior reinforcement.

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Straightforward, practical and perhaps slightly cheeky, Shawn Karol Sandy's innate gift is helping people find new ways to solve old problems, unique ways to approach new problems and helping businesses re-invent themselves and their sales strategies. With Bold and Brave thought leadership and Clear Action Plans, her impact on business is Measurable and Meaningful and will lead your sales revolution to growth and revenue goals.

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2 Responses
  1. David Pearce

    Great post and great advice, Most of us just want to have a real conversation. As a sales person when you can have a genuine conversation with the prospect it can not only be a more enjoyable experience but it is highly productive as well since the prospect is engaging with you. This after all is what one wants as a sales person because it is only when there is this engagement that you can understand the prospect’s issues and goals which hopefully will lead to a sale.

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