
For years, to become better at Sales and Selling, sales people and business owners have focused on closing techniques or perfecting their pitch and offers. With the big flip in control of the sales process transferring to the buyer, in order to become better at selling now, we must study what factors influence how and...
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Sellers have traditionally focused on buyers’ price and budget as their biggest obstacles. Guess what, your first {and sometimes biggest} hurdle is Time. On any given day, the average person makes thousand of decisions – both consciously and in “auto-pilot” mode. We make over 200 decisions every day just about FOOD! {Pancakes, French Toast, or...
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“Next Year” is just a few weeks away. Right about now, you’re decking the halls and putting on party pants to spend special time with friends and family but don’t throw away the rest of this year yet! Now is a great time to lay out your strategy so you can hit the ground running...
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Today’s blog tackles the last of the 4 Tenets of Modern Consumers: Collaboration. It didn’t take much to find a relevant example of why we demand this in our partnerships – this story is from this just past week: Alright, STOP. Collaborate and Listen . . . {If you chuckled here, I know you either...
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Have you ever had a chat with someone and you walked away with your “Spidey Sense” screaming that the conversation and/or the person was completely full of it? Or did you have the feeling that what they “said” was not in alignment with their intentions or actions? I call that “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire”...
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Everyone is talking about transparency—from the NFL to Corporate policies, to your love life and relationships, being Transparent is not new but receiving increased importance when we factor it in our equation of Trust. With access to nearly unlimited information on products, services, companies and people, information is no longer the key of the seller...
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There are a LOT of articles swirling around us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook about the traits of successful people—what they eat for breakfast, how much they exercise, what kind of vacations they take . . . but what do successful people DO to become more successful? This list is a good start for Anyone...
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The majority of communicating with another human being is about persuasion or compelling them to act, perform, respond or engage in our desired choice. {Yes, that pretty much sums up “selling”} So, it’s no surprise to those of you who know how I feel about improving the way we communicate and sell our ideas that...
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