
Digital Personality
Small Business Sales Strike Out
Guest Post by Selena Silvestro, Director of Ground Floor Strategies at The Selling Agency and weekend warrior baseball fan in the bleachers. Read on for first-hand sales advice for Small Business Owners, Solopreneurs, and Sales Pros in Small Businesses: Every business lives and dies by its ability to build revenue. Unfortunately, roughly 80% of businesses...
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4 Keys To Earning Customers: Better Blogging, Emails & Social Media
**CAUTION: Painful #TruthBomb below** Have you started a blog for your business or sales efforts? How’s it going? Was your last post March 2014? How about that email newsletter to stay top of mind with clients? Or how’s your social media strategy working for you—are you connecting and engaging your top prospects? Ouch. We can...
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Develop the tools to sell yourself and articulate your value to earn the job or customers: 5 Keys to Selling Your SELF.
This week I had the privilege of something pretty special. I was invited to participate as an advisor for the St. Jude Postdoctoral Fellows professional development day program hosted at my Alma Mater, Christian Brothers University. We are so fortunate to have St. Jude Children’s Research hospital right here in our own backyard funding and...
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What do you and your business stand for? Why should I get to know you? Why would I accept your meeting invitation or connection request? What value do you bring to my network? What do you excel at? Who have you worked with before? What results do you produce? Will I like working with you?...
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Are you struggling with how Social Media can work for your business? It’s hard to exactly measure the Return on Investment of Social Media but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be leveraging it to grow your business or increase your sales. If you’re not using Social Media to bring your customers closer to you, guess...
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Is it hot in here? Or maybe that’s the heat of competition you’re feeling. You’re sweating at the cheaper, faster, bigger or slicker new kids on the block, trying to eat away at your market share and customers, clients or donors. All Selling Agency clients bring up “The Competition” in the first few minutes of...
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Buckle up, Cowboys and Cowgirls. If you’re still selling like it’s 1979 or even 1999, you’re in for a rough ride. There is a new Sheriff in town. Her name is “The Buyer” and she’s got bigger guns and is quicker on the draw, dropping sellers with old tired sales techniques faster than you can...
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