
One of the most amazing benefits Technology has delivered to consumers is the function of “immediacy” and the ability to make purchases, decisions and changes in an instant. I can buy movie tickets, stream a movie, transfer money, pay bills, post a blog, ship artwork, meet colleagues, collaborate on a presentation, host a webinar and...
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We write a lot here about Selling – Selling Best Practices, Selling Value, Sales Strategy . . . but we’re not just speaking to the “Sales Reps”. If you’ve got a business, YOU are in Sales {and that goes for Non Profits too}. When we’re asked to come in to a business it’s usually because...
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Have you ever tried to buy something and “abandoned ship” or, cart, because the seller was just making things too difficult to complete the sale? Whether you’re selling something online or in person, there are several things you could be doing that are putting barriers up between you and closing a sale. We get really...
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Sales Action Quote: Success is connected with action. Successful People keep moving forward.
Whether you are selling your business, your services, a product, an idea, collaboration, or yourself . . . Marketing alone doesn’t bring in the results. Selling – asking for business, reaching out to build relationships – is what brings business through your door. If you’re not getting the results you want, take a look at what...
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When you preach “Process, Automate, Organize and Measure” to scale and grow your business, you had better Walk the Talk. So, I’d like to peel back the curtain and share some of my favorite business tools that help me Buy Back Time Measure Productivity Get Focused Get Organized Here is this Quarter’s Organization Hacks and...
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Getting your message across, being heard, being seen . . . it’s pretty tough today as we are bombarded with messages from every direction. What makes your message special? How do you make a great impression? Here are 7 Cool Tools to increase your WOW Factor: Connecting to groups through email? Save yourself some gray...
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What might seem like polite, considerate or clever technique to win favor or influence your target audience might be turning them off to your message.  Whether you’re asking for an appointment, asking for their business or asking for a donation, reconsider using the following: 12 Phrases to Avoid in Sales Emails BY GEOFFREY JAMES in this Inc. Magazine...
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