
One of the most amazing benefits Technology has delivered to consumers is the function of “immediacy” and the ability to make purchases, decisions and changes in an instant. I can buy movie tickets, stream a movie, transfer money, pay bills, post a blog, ship artwork, meet colleagues, collaborate on a presentation, host a webinar and...
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It’s not hard to find inspiration for our Selling Agency blog posts. We’re constantly assessing our every day interactions for the best and most common selling situations that we can learn from or highlight. This week’s post was a lay up thanks to a couple of guys going door to door. I pulled in to...
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It’s an amazing marvel to watch my 5 year old work technology. Navigating Netflix on a tablet or doing Math games on a computer, I am in awe at how easily and intuitively they navigate something that is mystical, perplexing and a continuous moving target. They have no context of B.I. – Before Internet, and...
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There are a LOT of articles swirling around us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook about the traits of successful people—what they eat for breakfast, how much they exercise, what kind of vacations they take . . . but what do successful people DO to become more successful? This list is a good start for Anyone...
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There’s a big discussion happening out in the business world about Employee Engagement: the emotional commitment an employee has to the organization and achieving its targeted goals. Employee engagement is the cornerstone for our building block “Culture” when The Selling Agency is called in to a business to build a Selling Organization {Directing all resources...
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In the previous post, we outlined the 4 Stories Your Business Must Share and promised to give you some help this week on building YOUR Key Business Stories. Stories are how we connect and relate to people and with all our various media and communication channels, knowing how to craft a compelling story is more...
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When was the last time you heard a great story? Did you throw your head back and laugh? Wipe a little tear from your eye? Remember when you had that similar experience? Stories are the heart of how we communicate. Movies, TV Shows, Books, Songs – we love to relate to each other through shared...
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We write a lot here about Selling – Selling Best Practices, Selling Value, Sales Strategy . . . but we’re not just speaking to the “Sales Reps”. If you’ve got a business, YOU are in Sales {and that goes for Non Profits too}. When we’re asked to come in to a business it’s usually because...
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Telling is not selling. but Asking is.
The Universe MUST have been “telling” me to write this blog post this week. Surely it is a sign when I look back at my week and can count 1 face to face meeting, 2 phone calls, and 9 {yes NINE} emails – All with Sales Messages intended for me to either buy or take...
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customer journey not just destination - customer service - sales process
Ever hear “It’s about the Journey, not just the Destination.” Though the “Destination” for customers – obtaining a desired product or service – can bring about its own euphoria, pleasure or satisfaction, customers {or patients, clients, even employees} look for clues and build expectations about how they’ll feel about their purchase by what they experience...
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