
Last week, I had to have an unexpected surgery on my sinuses. At the doctor’s office one day and scheduling an urgent surgery for the following day! Wow – talk about a sudden disruption to your “status quo”. One of the first things I had to do was to create an account and login to...
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We are hard wired to protect the status quo. Find your new mantra for change here: This past week, I was preparing relevant stories and “sticky” examples to deliver the sales module at a conference for entrepreneurs; I was struck with admiration for the people who had signed up for this event. These people are...
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If you’re an innovator, builder, game changer, entrepreneur, promotion seeker or department of ONE, it can be lonely trying to forge new paths. No one can share your burdens directly – even with empathy and support in your work, it can be a hard and isolating journey filled with doubt, sacrifice and wrong turns before...
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There are a LOT of articles swirling around us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook about the traits of successful people—what they eat for breakfast, how much they exercise, what kind of vacations they take . . . but what do successful people DO to become more successful? This list is a good start for Anyone...
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In the previous post, we outlined the 4 Stories Your Business Must Share and promised to give you some help this week on building YOUR Key Business Stories. Stories are how we connect and relate to people and with all our various media and communication channels, knowing how to craft a compelling story is more...
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When was the last time you heard a great story? Did you throw your head back and laugh? Wipe a little tear from your eye? Remember when you had that similar experience? Stories are the heart of how we communicate. Movies, TV Shows, Books, Songs – we love to relate to each other through shared...
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We write a lot here about Selling – Selling Best Practices, Selling Value, Sales Strategy . . . but we’re not just speaking to the “Sales Reps”. If you’ve got a business, YOU are in Sales {and that goes for Non Profits too}. When we’re asked to come in to a business it’s usually because...
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Results vs Performance and the Business Dashboard
It’s seems logical to think – if you’re a Business Owner or a Sales Rep – that the only performance metric that matters is the “End Result”. Did you meet your numbers? Or did you fall short? You got in the car and drove and either made it to your destination or didn’t. The final...
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How do you handle competition? If you’re the market leader or have a nice slice of the pie, you’re always on the lookout for the challenger. But what does that look like? Are you always looking over your shoulder, trying to keep one step ahead or out in front? How much time are you spending...
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I’ve found one of the biggest perils for small business, second stage businesses and even sales professionals is a lack of measurement and metrics that quantify their results. It’s an interesting mix of denial and flat out lack of application. “I don’t have the time” or “I don’t want to know the results” or “I...
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