
How do you really impress customers
When was the last time you were blown away by someone trying to sell you something? That long ago, huh? Maybe never? With the ever-increasing ability to serve ourselves in the pursuit of purchases, as buyers, we’ve been putting a lot of distance between us and sellers until we’re really sure we need someone to...
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What would you expect from Ivy League MBA students when it comes to selling? A while back, I had a really cool privilege to offer a sales coaching session to Harvard MBA students! Harvard’s School of Business created an extensive buyer/seller scenario for their students which culminated in a role play where students each took...
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Sales Onboarding and training are backwards
Why do we love toddlers and small humans in weddings? It’s not because ring bearers and flower girls perfectly execute their duties with the style and panache of professionals. It’s because, in spite of rehearsals, practices and coaching, we know that they are a wild card and are capable of melting down, going off course...
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Frame, Questions, Lead, Customers, Value, Context, Relevance, Influence, Features, Price, Competitive Advantage,
In the previous post, we took a hard look at building a more flexible sales process that is completely centered around your customer starting with Assessing Your Features From Your Customers’ Perspective. This practice helps you build your selling messages around the variable points that are truly meaningful to your customers. But wait! There’s More!...
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Are you asking the right customer questions?
We’re pretty outspoken in The Selling Agency about how we feel when it comes to the big Capabilities and Features dance that most sales people and sales messages lead with when they get in front of prospects. Being a professional – Sales Person, or otherwise – demands that we be more effective and more relevant...
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A couple of years ago, I had a big meeting. A really great prospect for whom I had finally found the right opening accepted a request to meet to talk about his problems and my potential solution. Getting ready that morning, I put on my favorite suit. You know the one, THE suit, that makes ya feel good,...
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