
Girl Scouts
sales role play is awkward
No one and I mean NO ONE loves it when I’ve ever asked them to role-play a sales scenario. It’s hard to explain how many times I’ve gotten eye rolls when I brought up role-playing through a scenario. Why do we hate it so much? Well, it’s awkward. Everyone’s staring at you – thinking, “glad...
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Selling and Campfires-new business development-sales-new sales pros
You might be surprised to know where I find inspiration for these blog posts. Or, maybe not, considering you’re here. I bring a lot of everyday life into training and coaching conversations in sales. I find that general business jargon and “sales speak” make people want to take a nap or mentally check out. Telling...
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Girl Scout Cookies-Sales Lessons-Cookie Season
What’s the easiest thing you’ve ever sold? What product was a home run for you? For me, the easiest thing I’ve ever sold is Girl Scout Cookies. And by “me”, I mean, my daughter, and her troop. I’m just the driver and logistics support for the outfit. Maybe this isn’t exactly a subjective comparison to...
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The Pipeline

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