
Are you confusing PRICE and COST?
A common sales problem came to light for me a week or so ago when a vendor reached out to me to suggest as the year-end was near, they might be able to consider lowering their price to close another deal before ending their year. Now, I am truly in the “consideration” or “evaluation” phase...
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Small Business Solutions: Steak or Potatoes Strategy
  We work with a lot of small and not-so-small businesses – from many different industries and markets – data management, accounting, freight and logistics, restaurants, technology, drilling {oil}, commercial construction . . . a pretty diverse group. But they all have one thing in common: most of these great businesses have tried, started or...
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Great advice often spans more than one situation, one purpose or use and is best when passed along.
There is no shortage of advice on business – building it, running it, growing it {ah, ahem hence, our blog}. Much of the wisdom we hear doesn’t resonate with us right away – perhaps not until we’re in circumstances that give it context. But most everyone has those one or two pieces of life changing...
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What’s your title? Are you the owner, the manager, the producer, the seller, the buyer, the coordinator? No matter if you’re the CEO or the CSR {Customer Service Representative}, a Solopreneur or Sales Rep at a Fortune 500 company, you are undoubtedly experiencing the rapid shift running through businesses like wildfire today that is called...
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