
There’s a big discussion happening out in the business world about Employee Engagement: the emotional commitment an employee has to the organization and achieving its targeted goals. Employee engagement is the cornerstone for our building block “Culture” when The Selling Agency is called in to a business to build a Selling Organization {Directing all resources...
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When was the last time you heard a great story? Did you throw your head back and laugh? Wipe a little tear from your eye? Remember when you had that similar experience? Stories are the heart of how we communicate. Movies, TV Shows, Books, Songs – we love to relate to each other through shared...
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A penguin cannot become a giraffe.
This past weekend, I had the wonderful privilege of speaking at the Lone Star College Women’s Conference in Houston. Great Crowd. Great Content. GREAT Conference. I had the honor of kicking off the day with my topic: GO! Promote Yourself! My objective was to inspire people to “pick themselves” and not wait to be recognized...
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Priority Dilution - There just aren't enough hours in the day to do the important stuff
These days, business owners, VP’s, directors, sales people, development officers and pretty much anyone who works, all have the same lament: “I just don’t have enough hours in the day.” It’s a vicious cycle: more to do, better resources and technology help accomplish those items—making them less labor intense, so then we add things to...
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I’ve had the privilege of meeting and talking with thousands of people over the course of my career in sales, leadership and development. These last several years, as the pieces of The Selling Agency started fitting together and forming in the background of my life, I began a transformation that would ultimately drive me to...
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Many many many stories have been written on the phenomenal, if not fanatical corporate culture CEO Tony Hsieh has created at Zappos, but here’s a new one on me: They offer a 4 week immersion to new hires but after a week or so, they give newbies “The Offer”—which is a bribe of $1,000 TO...
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