
The Kudzu Effect How do your sales messages stand out
Have you ever heard of Kudzu? If you’ve driven through the Southeastern parts of the US, you’ve probably seen Kudzu. It’s an Asian vine introduced to the US and branded in the 1930s and 40s as a way for farmers to control erosion and introduce nitrogen to their soil. You might recognize it as it...
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Feedback like a Sales Rockstar
Normally, feedback on a stage is a terrible, annoying thing. Audio feedback occurs when a sound loop exists between an audio input and an audio output. That shrill noise is loud and piercing. Performance feedback, however, is a gift. Opportunities to receive feedback on our performance are sometimes designed in our job roles: annual reviews, quarterly...
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Presenting is not selling, salesfails, people earn business, sales pros
Many times I have seen a sales person spend hours laboring over a presentation, packing it full of details, statistics, examples, graphs and graphics, pictures and hope. Yes, lots of hope, that the presentation will be so outstanding and cover every conceivable variable or objection that the customer will fall in love with the product...
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If you’re an innovator, builder, game changer, entrepreneur, promotion seeker or department of ONE, it can be lonely trying to forge new paths. No one can share your burdens directly – even with empathy and support in your work, it can be a hard and isolating journey filled with doubt, sacrifice and wrong turns before...
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When was the last time you heard a great story? Did you throw your head back and laugh? Wipe a little tear from your eye? Remember when you had that similar experience? Stories are the heart of how we communicate. Movies, TV Shows, Books, Songs – we love to relate to each other through shared...
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Have you ever tried to buy something and “abandoned ship” or, cart, because the seller was just making things too difficult to complete the sale? Whether you’re selling something online or in person, there are several things you could be doing that are putting barriers up between you and closing a sale. We get really...
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Everyone is in sales. EVERYONE has an agenda, a product, an idea, a position that they need to sell and on the flip side, we are ALL customers and prospective customers. At any given time, we are selling or being sold. So with a world full of Sales People, sometimes we are face to face...
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Sales Self Sabotage
If you’re a sales person and you’ve tried to sell me,  I’m sorry . . .  because not everyone wants to be put through an unsuspecting skill check whilst performing their job. Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not cruel or mean but I’m on a life long quest to understand, learn, grow and improve the Sales...
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