
Discovery Questions for that First Sales Meeting
I’ve always thought the term “Sales” was a bit of a misnomer. People say I’m in “Sales.” It’s a noun, which is the result, not the action, which is different than how “Marketing” is presented – as a verb. From a psychological frame of reference, I try to use “Selling” as often as possible to...
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Are you Afraid to Take your Sales Vacation?
As a salesperson, this is a tough time of year. In addition to being difficult to move business forward during summer, it’s hard not to hyperventilate or get all crunchy when it comes to YOU taking time off for vacation. What happens if that elusive buyer is FINALLY ready to roll when you’re out and...
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Ditch this terrible sales advice
Part of understanding the negative feelings out there about sellers is reconciling the fact that much of the sales advice out there preaches manipulative and controlling sales practices that leave customers skittish, untrusting, and gun-shy about sellers’ intentions. Which is why buyers don’t return our calls, shrug off our emails, and work hard to ignore...
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Selling in small increments builds buyer trust
Several posts back, I shared how one of my clients was focused on how BIG and monumental the sale was for her and for her customers. She was suffering from a bit of self-sabotage by projecting her emotions and insecurity on to her customer and letting fear of closing the sale or NOT closing the...
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Stop Winging it and Make a Sales Plan Expert Advice Via Alice Heiman
We’ve had great response (and a lot of STRONG suggestions) when we started asking sales leaders across the country to share their insights about what sales pros should STOP doing to earn more sales. I had particularly emphatic response from my colleagues of Women Sales Pros, whom all seem to be on a mission to...
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Seems like a weird question I’d ask in a “professional” setting, right? I mean, unless you’re a 3 year old or a perhaps an inebriated frat pledge at a Toga party {do they still have those?} you’ve probably never walked out the door without your pants. But perhaps you’re doing it Metaphorically, every day. I...
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