Last week, I had two instances where sales reps contacted me to try to sell me a product. In both cases, each rep was certain I needed their subscription software. Both of their general sales rational were that other businesses found their product helpful and the features were great and I should sign up today....Read More
This week, I met with my client, “Jane” who is launching a great new product. We talked about her initial efforts and responses to her first few prospect pitches. She was surprised that her first prospects balked at her value proposition and didn’t jump up and take her offer on the spot. I asked Jane...Read More
When you preach “Process, Automate, Organize and Measure” to scale and grow your business, you had better Walk the Talk. So, I’d like to peel back the curtain and share some of my favorite business tools that help me Buy Back Time Measure Productivity Get Focused Get Organized Here is this Quarter’s Organization Hacks and...Read More
There are just a few weeks between now and NEXT YEAR! While friends and family, celebrations and personal reflection are all a major part of the end of each year, this is still a critical time for business. Don’t mistake “Winding Down” for rolling over and “Playing Dead”. For Business Owners and Decision Makers, there’s...Read More
The majority of communicating with another human being is about persuasion or compelling them to act, perform, respond or engage in our desired choice. {Yes, that pretty much sums up “selling”} So, it’s no surprise to those of you who know how I feel about improving the way we communicate and sell our ideas that...Read More
Browsing twitter and the 10 millionth “women in business” blog, I think my eyeballs might just roll out of my head if I read one more person’s bio about how revolutionary (but yet mind blowingly simple) their marketing plan is for your business. It seems like 1 out of 10 websites now is dedicated to...Read More