There are a LOT of articles swirling around us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook about the traits of successful people—what they eat for breakfast, how much they exercise, what kind of vacations they take . . . but what do successful people DO to become more successful? This list is a good start for Anyone...Read More
In the previous post, we outlined the 4 Stories Your Business Must Share and promised to give you some help this week on building YOUR Key Business Stories. Stories are how we connect and relate to people and with all our various media and communication channels, knowing how to craft a compelling story is more...Read More
When was the last time you heard a great story? Did you throw your head back and laugh? Wipe a little tear from your eye? Remember when you had that similar experience? Stories are the heart of how we communicate. Movies, TV Shows, Books, Songs – we love to relate to each other through shared...Read More
Last week, visiting my husband’s office, I was making small talk with one of his patients in the waiting area and discovered she worked for an attorney. I mentioned that sometimes my clients need some legal guidance and asked what their practice specialized in. Her response was “We do mortgages and some of the partners...Read More
Getting your message across, being heard, being seen . . . it’s pretty tough today as we are bombarded with messages from every direction. What makes your message special? How do you make a great impression? Here are 7 Cool Tools to increase your WOW Factor: Connecting to groups through email? Save yourself some gray...Read More