
3 Points of Gratitude
Have I told you how grateful I am for you? How thankful I am that you allow me in your inbox, in your social feeds, and give me feedback about how I can help you or move your business forward? I am. I am very grateful. And, in fact, some of the very best salespeople...
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How can FAILURE build confidence in sales teams
Everyone hates to fail. We don’t want to admit to failure. I despise it. Even though we’re familiar with sayings that tell us how much we learn from failure, how it makes us stronger . . . and all those other rah-rah messages. Sure, we learn what we SHOULD have done. That’s easy to see...
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Sales Training Mistakes Costing You Opportunities
Over these past few weeks, I’ve had strong reinforcements of my core beliefs about sales training: Most of it needs to be, “Undone.” I see proof every day that Sales Onboarding is upside down or backwards. I see sales training that is hype, technique and manipulation-based vs skills focused. Much of the current “well-known” sales...
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Avoid missed sales opportunities with current customers
My agile, fit, 71-year-old mother came over this week after cleaning her gutters. They were pulling away from the house so she climbed on a ladder and in the 90 degree Memphis summer heat, cleaned the debris and gunk out of her gutters. The rub came later when she was in the house and tidying...
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avoid resuscitating a deal gone wrong
“Oh crap. Is it too late to resuscitate?” Recently, a sales team found out the hard way that a client was pissed about something that happened several months ago. Unfortunately, they found out because they are being shut out of an enormous opportunity. They were coming at the opportunity from several angles with several divisions....
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In getting to the business “promise land” – profit and growth, success isn’t always a perfectly pristine theory translated into a formula. Success is tough and dirty work, sometimes even ugly. This week, I had to share a fascinating series of books {and short but insightful blogs} by Roy Osing: BE DiFFERENT or be dead...
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We write a lot here about Selling – Selling Best Practices, Selling Value, Sales Strategy . . . but we’re not just speaking to the “Sales Reps”. If you’ve got a business, YOU are in Sales {and that goes for Non Profits too}. When we’re asked to come in to a business it’s usually because...
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The Pipeline

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