
4th quarter sales push
The Holidays are about to roll in and roll over us in all their festive and glittery glory. It seems once we pass Turkey day, the remaining few weeks of the year pick up steam like a snowball rolling downhill. For business, that means we’re starting to think about wrapping things up this year, taking...
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Year End Sales Push_4th Quarter Strategy
It’s 4th quarter – the time when sales teams are looking at closing the gap on their goals and where they are year-to-date. For some of you, you’re okay and on track. Good for you on managing your pipeline, developing new business, or “crushing it” this year. For many of you, this is a panic...
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What do Monkeys have to do with Relationship Selling?
What do Monkeys have to do with building relationships to increase sales? A lot, actually. Stick with me here . . . In the 1990’s, British anthropologist, Robin Dunbar, studied primates and found a correlation between primate brain size and average social group size. By using the average human brain size and extrapolating from the...
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Is it hot in here? Or maybe that’s the heat of competition you’re feeling. You’re sweating at the cheaper, faster, bigger or slicker new kids on the block, trying to eat away at your market share and customers, clients or donors. All Selling Agency clients bring up “The Competition” in the first few minutes of...
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Buckle up, Cowboys and Cowgirls. If you’re still selling like it’s 1979 or even 1999, you’re in for a rough ride. There is a new Sheriff in town. Her name is “The Buyer” and she’s got bigger guns and is quicker on the draw, dropping sellers with old tired sales techniques faster than you can...
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The Pipeline

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