
Phone Calls
When is the last time a stranger surprised you? Made you stop in your tracks, jerked you out of your “zone” and piqued your interest? Every once in a GREAT while, I get a cold call from a sales pro that really makes me stop and listen for at least the first minute. The other...
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Find customers right under your nose
In a previous BrightTalk webinar, I surveyed the audience of sellers and asked, “What is your biggest challenge in prospecting?” I thought the results were extremely interesting – and they validated what I’m hearing from many businesses and sales pros about their challenges in new business development. Of the 120 live viewers, those that responded...
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Missing Sales Signals on Calls
I’m following up on last week’s post, The Power of Feedback with my promise to show you the BIGGEST mistakes we’ve found when coaching you on Sales Phone Calls. We use call recording as a powerful way to help sellers improve their skills. This process is incredibly effective at assisting sellers to recognize their own challenges...
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In sales silence is deadly
I can usually diagnose problems pretty quickly. I work hard to do so because of that whole “time is money” theory. I like to think it’s a combination of listening, experience, perception, and intuition that makes me a keen consultant. Like a bloodhound for revenue issues . . . but one that loves a good...
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The 258% Sales Huddle
A while back, I had the honor of giving the closing keynote session for the AA-ISP Digital Sales World Conference in San Francisco with my Co-Host of The SellOut Show, Dianna Geairn. Closing out the conference gave me the ability to sit through all the previous sessions where inside sales experts talked about best practices...
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sales role play is awkward
No one and I mean NO ONE loves it when I’ve ever asked them to role-play a sales scenario. It’s hard to explain how many times I’ve gotten eye rolls when I brought up role-playing through a scenario. Why do we hate it so much? Well, it’s awkward. Everyone’s staring at you – thinking, “glad...
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