
One-Stop-Shop- Is a Terrible Sales Phrase
One phrase that I hear often from sellers and businesses when they describe their offers really makes me cringe. I hear it a lot from sellers trying to paint a broad picture to capture as much potential business as possible. Yeah, I get crunchy when I hear, “We’re a One-Stop-Shop for all your needs.” Yikes....
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Presenting is not selling, salesfails, people earn business, sales pros
Many times I have seen a sales person spend hours laboring over a presentation, packing it full of details, statistics, examples, graphs and graphics, pictures and hope. Yes, lots of hope, that the presentation will be so outstanding and cover every conceivable variable or objection that the customer will fall in love with the product...
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what matters to buyers
In the last post, we talked about how to make your sales presentations better – improving the focus of the content and delivery. This week, using more examples from our clients, we present a more specific context of your proposals – a mistake that’s made quite often when we listen to sales pitches which is...
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are your presentations a bomb?
Did you ever have one of those terrible professors or teachers in school—the ones that droned on and on about chemistry or Shakespeare or whatever? The ones that sucked all the enjoyment out of the topic, put you to sleep or or left you feeling like you wasted your time? Have you ever sat through...
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I try very hard to take the esoteric jargon out of my blogs and posts and discussions with business owners because so much of it is rather nonsensical vocabulary created by sales directors and vp’s to turn into catchy training material. Harsh, perhaps. Accurate, definitely. So when putting on the finishing touches of a course I developed...
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